Toshiaki MAKINO

Toshiaki MAKINO


Attorney(No. 26305),Patent Attorney(No.11223)


Tokyo Bar Associations,Japan Patent Attorneys Association


Intellectual Property Right

Professional experience

1. Judge, 1960-1998
2. Presiding Judge of Intellectual Property Law Division of Tokyo High Court, 1992-1998
3. Lecturer of Graduate School of Law, Waseda University, 1999-2003
4. Visiting Professor of Keio Law School, 2004-2007
5. Member of Industrial Structure Council of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2003-

Publications, etc.

1. “Intellectual Property Law Litigation,” Seirin Shoin, 2001
2. “The Copyright Law Litigation,” Seirin Shoin, 2004
3. “Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property Law,” Shinnippon-Hoki, 2007
4. “Study on Intellectual Property Law Litigation,” Tokyo Nunoi, 2002
5. “Commentary of Practice of Patent, Design and Trademark,” Seirin Shoin, 2012