Case Statistics

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Number of application cases for the Center's mediation and arbitration services The above chart shows the number of application cases for the Center's mediation and arbitration services filed per year.

Ratio of applications for mediation and arbitration
The above chart shows the ratio of applications for mediation and arbitration services provided by the Center in the past.

Types of rights covered by the applications for mediation and arbitration
The above chart shows the fields of intellectual property rights covered by applications for mediation and arbitration services provided by the Center in the past.

Final results of JP domain name dispute rulings
The above chart shows the final results of rulings on JP domain name dispute cases for which applications for dispute resolution were filed with the Center in the past.
Please click here for a list of JP domain name disputes.

Ratio of the Center's Advisory Opinions provided in the past by determination
The above chart shows the ratio of the Center's Advisory Opinions by type.

Ratio of applications for the Center's Advisory Opinions by type of opinion
The above chart shows the ratio of applications for the Center's Advisory Opinion by type of opinion.